Abdal Medical Complex is located on Main Mardan Road Charsadda. Abdal Medical Complex is providing quality healthcare services to the people of Charsadda with the help of highly educated doctors and staff in the private sector. It also has medical and surgical facilities along with a laboratory and X-ray unit. In addition, staff working in the emergency department are being trained on a regular basis to deal with emergency patients and disaster victims. Ensure that state-of-the-art equipment is available in every department of the hospital, so that all health delivery services can function efficiently.
Our mission is to develop compassionate, skilled, research-oriented and innovative healthcare professionals who provide humanitarian prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services through quality medical education programs without discrimination.Call us for more information or visit our hospital.
Mardan Road, Charsadda Umarzai, Charsadda.
+92 333-5046004