
Abdus Slam Co:

Abdus Slam Co. is located at Madina Town, Faisalabad, Pakistan. We provide Accounting, Auditing & Other Services. Our services provide practical advice to build a more profitable, secure business and financial future. The list of some of our services are given like Bookkeeping, Tax Consultant, Charted Accountant, and Accounting services. If you are looking for an agency to help you create a remarkable presence online, you’ve come to the right place. We can help you take your business to the next level.


Services Offered by Abdus Slam Co:

Following are some services that are offered by Abdus Slam Co.

  • Charted Accountant
  • Tax Consultant
  • Accounting Services


Address of Abdus Slam Co:

Following is the address of Abdus Slam Co.

  • Ground Floor, Sufi Tower, Opps Mujahid Hospital, Madina Town, Faisalabad, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Abdus Slam Co:

Following are the contact numbers of Abdus Slam Co.

  • +92 41-8401228
  •  +92 345-7765288
Contact Email of Abdus Slam Co:

Following is the contact email of Abdus Slam Co.


Locate us

Contact us

Abdus Slam Co.

Ground Floor, Sufi Tower, Opps Mujahid Hospital, Madina Town, Faisalabad, Pakistan

+92 41-8401228
+92 345-7765288


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