
AEO Pakistan:

AEO-Pakistan is located at Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan. AEO-Pakistan offers different preparatory courses for IELTS and English as a second language according to the candidates’ convenience and level of English proficiency. AEO offers three levels for IELTS preparation, Pre-IELTS Level-1, Pre-IELTS Level-2, IELTS Preparation. For any queries and information relatedIELTS Preparation Courses, contact us through email and phone number.


Courses Offer by AEO Pakistan: 

Following Courses are offered at the AEO Pakistan.



Address of AEO Pakistan:

Following is the address of the AEO Pakistan.

C-151, Block 2, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of AEO Pakistan:

Following are the contact numbers of the AEO Pakistan.

+92 21-111236-000, +92 21-1115879645


Contact Email of AEO Pakistan:

Following are the contact email of the AEO Pakistan.

Locate us

Contact us

AEO Pakistan

C-151, Block 2, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan

+92 21-111236-000, +92 21-1115879645


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