Al Noor Hospital is a state-of-the-art PMDC certified hospital in Sialkot. The hospital provides various facilities for both inpatients and outpatients. Al Noor Hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment. Hospital consultants and specialists are experienced and well-known in their field. Al-Noor Hospital staff is fully trained, skilled and committed to providing the best healthcare services.
We represent all medical specialties and offer a wide range of medical, surgical, diagnostic and wellness programs. High quality care with proper placement of ANH is one of the reasons why so many patients choose to seek treatment here.
Our goal is to make healthcare services accessible and affordable for all patients using the latest technology without compromising the quality of treatment. Al Noor Hospital's mission is to provide high quality healthcare in a safe and compassionate environment for deserving patients while fulfilling its charitable responsibility. You can contact Al Noor Hospital staff to find out the working hours of the consultants.
Near LRBT Hospital? Kalaswala Road, Pasrur, Sialkot.
+92 052-6440063