Athar Surgical Center Rajanpur is famous for its medical facilities. Athar Surgical Center is providing the best healthcare to the sick community and poor people of Rajanpur District through a team of highly qualified and experienced consultants which is absolutely free. Athar Surgical Center is equipped with state-of-the-art surgical and medical facilities and has highly trained and trained staff for all types of treatment. Our professional medical staff provides compassionate and well-certified medical care.
At Athar Surgical Center, PHIMS and State Life Corporation of Pakistan have jointly set up a Health Desk for the Health Facility Program, which will serve the sick humanity in line with the vision and policies of a capable Prime Minister of Pakistan. If you want to make your appointment then call us. We are available for you to 24/7.
Kacheri Road Opposite Clinic Dr Farooq Lughari, Rajanpur.
+92 336-6441200