
Attya marriage bureau


Attya marriage bureau is a well-established reputed organization working very hard since 1999 and is primarily focusing on respectable educated and decent families. Attya Marriage bureau is renowned for compatible matchmaking. We aim to bring families together not individuals. Reliability and confidentiality is what we provide best. With the blessing of Allah, we have successfully introduced hundreds of Muslims to their life partner. We are still providing our services to all Muslims in Pakistan.
We won’t say “we are different “because you might have heard this from those typical Marriage bureaus. Here is a very simple way to analyze the difference if you believe internet is future and if you find us to have the best presence on the internet and if as a result of this you found us. Then your suitable match also has more probability to be on our list looking for you.

Contact us

Attya marriage bureau

128 Kashmir Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

+92 (313) 5254 408, +92 (331) 8200 223


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