
Welcome to Aylanto Cafe

The Aylanto Cafe Karachi is located Block 4 Clifton.  A contemporary mainland eatery, serving an arranged choice of the most exemplary dishes from the Mediterranean and Italian areas, notwithstanding a backup of other notable western foods.

Aylanto Café address & contact numbers:

D 141, Block 4 Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan.

+92 21-35309868

12 C1 MM Alam Road, Block C, Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.

+92 42-35751886

Gol Market, Unit 1 & 2, Street 4, F-7/3, F-7, Islamabad, Pakistan.

+92 320-2952686

Locate us

Contact us

Aylanto Cafe

D 141, Block 4 Clifton, Karachi.

+92 21-35309868


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