
Bilal Hospital:

Bilal Hospital is located in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Bilal Hospital Rawalpindi founded in 1998, Bilal Hospital Rawalpindi has grown from a maternity care center to a full-scale modern tertiary care hospital in the span of 20 years. Bilal Hospital is equipped with sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic equipment like a cath lab, a lithotripsy unit, fully functional operation theatres, and many other cutting-edge technologies for performing complex and advanced laparoscopic surgeries. The hospital has an 8 bedded ICU, 4 bedded CCU and 2 bedded recovery room. Our Maternity unit has 5 bedded labor wards, 2 delivery rooms, and a basic neonatal nursery. For more detail, you can visit the hospital and contact by phone.


Services Offered by Bilal Hospital:

Following are some services that are offered by Bilal Hospital.

  • Orthopedics Surgeons


Address of Bilal Hospital:

Following is the address of Bilal Hospital.

  • 38-A, Satellite Town, Sadiqabad Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Bilal Hospital:

Following are the contact numbers of Bilal Hospital.

  • +92 51-2373371
Contact Email of Bilal Hospital:

Following is the contact email of Bilal Hospital.


Locate us

Contact us

Bilal Hospital

38-A, Satellite Town, Sadiqabad Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

+92 51-2373371


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