Butt Battery Traders


Welcome to Butt Battery Traders

Distributer and fundamental seller for AGS batteries. Certifiable Atlas Honda batteries. We sell batteries for all neighborhood and imported vehicles and UPS frameworks.

We give vehicle batteries to all neighborhood and imported vehicles. We are an Authorized dealer and wholesaler for AGS Batteries Ltd. auxiliary of Atlas Honda Pakistan.

Get your vehicle and UPS batteries today from Butt Traders at discount costs!

Butt Battery Traders Service address:

B, 18-D Wahdat Road, Muslim Town, Lahore Pakistan.

Butt Battery Traders contact numbers:

+92 42-35866232, +92 333-4366993, +92 300-9487246

Locate us

Contact us

Butt Battery Traders

B, 18-D Wahdat Road, Muslim Town, Lahore.

+92 42-35866232
+92 333-4366993, +92 300-9487246


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