Chaudhry Sarwar Hospital is based in Narowal. Chaudhry Sarwar Hospital Narowal is operating in different areas of the city where many medicines are also provided free of cost. In this regard, a multi-storied secondary level Chaudhry Sarwar Hospital has been set up in Narowal for the convenience of middle class people.
The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery including 24 hours emergency service, consultant clinics, maternity homes, NICU, dental clinics, OPG unit, physiotherapy unit, mammography, x-ray, ultrasound facilities for affected children. Involves blood transfusions. A state-of-the-art computerized pathological laboratory and blood bank have also been set up at Chaudhry Sarwar Hospital for Thalassemia. The hospital will soon have facilities like CT scan, MRI, endoscopy and iodometry. Chaudhry Sarwar Hospital has the honor of making a good addition to the non-profit hospitals in Narowal. Feel free to call us for any further information.
Channpeer Road, Narowal,.
+92 300-7763028.