The Institute of Digital Marketing Pakistan (IDM Pakistan) offers digital marketing training for entrepreneurs, budding new entrepreneurs, graduates, and professionals working to foster their growth. A space where anyone can claim to be an expert, IDM Pakistan offers everyone the opportunity to learn from the best digital marketing experts in the industry.
We maintain our presence throughout Pakistan. Successfully trained digital marketing professionals from Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, and cities as far away as Burewala and Peshawar districts. What started out as a small training company has now grown into a full team of marketing enthusiasts who are still busy and excited to train our students in digital marketing.
With over 40 years of collective digital marketing experience from our trainers, we don't leave a choice to our students, but we find ourselves elevated to the next level in their business and career after graduating from IDMPakistan. We love digital marketing, we love to teach and that's what we do 24/7 at IDMPakistan. Our passion for digital marketing is pure and this is what we want to convey to everyone who comes in contact with IDMPakistan.
Following are the courses that are offered at Cloud Tech in Islamabad.
Following is the address of Cloud Tech in Islamabad.
F11 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan
Following are the contact numbers of Cloud Tech in Islamabad.
Following are the contact email of Cloud Tech in Islamabad.
F11 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan
+92 51 2700027
+92 321 9149380