DHQ Hospital Pakpattan


Welcome To DHQ Hospital Pakpattan 

DHQ Hospital Pakpattan is a public health facility that serves various communities in and around Pakpattan. DHQ Hospital Pakpattan is a comprehensive hospital with 125 beds. It was established in 1980 as a THQ hospital for better and timely treatment of the people of Pakpattan. It Was upgraded to DHQ Hospital in 1990. 

We all provide quality healthcare services in all fields of medicine and surgery through well-trained, experienced teams of specialists at affordable prices with empathy and competence. As ISO 14001-2008 and MSDS certified, we are setting new standards for quality and innovation in patient care.

District Headquarters Hospital (DHQ) provides a range of specialized care in addition to basic outpatient and inpatient services. They usually have about 300 beds and have a wide range of specialized services including surgery, medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, ENT, ophthalmology, orthopedics, urology, neurosurgery and more.

As an integral part of the Pakpattan community, our work goes beyond the walls of our facilities. We are caring for the uninsured and the less insured every day through programs in schools, clinics, homeless shelters and community centers to improve the health of the area and your facilities. We provide daily betting services to schools and clinics, homeless shelters and community centers to improve the health of clinics, homeless shelters and community centers by caring for the uninsured and the less insured on a daily basis. For more information you can contact us by call or visit our hospital.

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DHQ Hospital Pakpattan

Hospital Road, Pakpattan.



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