
Diran Productions:

Diran Productions is a video productions company that focuses on integrating innovative concepts with a creative approach. We are an Islamabad-based venture owned and operated by Centangle Interactive (Pvt.) Ltd. The company aims to provide complete media solutions to brands, artists, public figures, non-government organizations, and corporate agencies.

The company offers a wide range of services including video production, photography, 2D/3D animations, event coverage, corporate events, documentaries, live videos, brand videos, TVCs, social videos, explainer videos, video promos, feature films, music videos, visual effects, content development, infographics, sound design, branding, and advertising. We believe in putting our best creative efforts to achieve the goals of our clients.

Our team is a blend of creative professionals and a management staff to help execute smoothly projects of both small and big size. We use the latest and state-of-the-art equipment during the different phases of production. We are also affiliated with a number of third-party service providers to bridge the logistics gap to fulfill project needs of different nature.


Services Offered by Diran Productions:

Following are some services that are offered by Diran Productions.

  • Photography
  • Advertising Agency
  • Videography


Address of Diran Productions:

Following is the address of the Diran Productions.

  • 3rd Floor, CIS Technology Park, Shahra-e-Jamhuriyat, G-5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Contact Numbers of Diran Productions:

Following are the contact numbers of the Diran Productions.

  • +92 51-2825565
Contact Email of Diran Productions:

Following is the contact email of the Diran Productions.


Locate us

Contact us

Diran Productions

3rd Floor, CIS Technology Park, Shahra-e-Jamhuriyat, G-5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan.

+92 51-2825565


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