Dr. Hilal Akhtar Mahpuri


Dr. Hilal Akhtar Mahpuri is the specialist of infertility treatment. He is a D.H.M.S. qualified doctor. Dr Mahpuri Infertility Clinic address is located at Block-15, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan.
Dr. Hilal Akhtar Mahpuri is a homeopathic doctor and practice homeopathy to provide remedies, treatment and solutions using homeopathic medicines.
If you would like to get an appointment with Dr. Hilal Akhtar Mahpuri please send him an inquiry or call him directly.

Contact us

Dr. Hilal Akhtar Mahpuri

B-76, Block-15, Gulshan Iqbal, Karachi.

+92-21-34828170, 34822088


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