Dr. Muhammad Mobushir


Dr. Muhammad Mobushir:

Dr. Muhammad Mobushir is located in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Dr. Muhammad Mobushir is a specialist Orthopedic Surgeon. His area of expertise include joint replacement surgery, sports injuries, Trauma (Fractures), and congenital bony anomalies. If you have any concern and query about our services or want any kind of information or complaints and suggestion please feel free to contact with us and share your concern with Us!


Services Offered by Dr. Muhammad Mobushir:

Following are some services that are offered by Dr. Muhammad Mobushir.

  • Orthopedics Surgeons


Address of Dr. Muhammad Mobushir:

Following is the address of Dr. Muhammad Mobushir.

  • Rawalpindi, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Dr. Muhammad Mobushir:

Following are the contact numbers of Dr. Muhammad Mobushir.

  • +92 310-4407337
Contact Email of Dr. Muhammad Mobushir:

Following is the contact email of Dr. Muhammad Mobushir.


Locate us

Contact us

Dr. Muhammad Mobushir

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

+92 334 5459059


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