Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic


Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic:

Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic is located in Federal Area, Karachi, Pakistan. Dr. Owais is a highly competent neuro physician. If you are looking for the best Neurologist in Karachi, then contact us through email and phone number.


Services Offered by Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic:

Following are some services that are offered by Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic.

  • Neurologists


Address of Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic:

Following is the address of the Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic.

  • C-19, Near Water Pump Chowrangi, Federal Area, Karachi, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic:

Following are the contact numbers of Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic.

  • +92 345-2741320
Contact Email of Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic:

Following is the contact email of Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic.


Locate us

Contact us

Dr. Owais Hashmat Neurology Clinic

C-19, Near Water Pump Chowrangi, Federal Area, Karachi, Pakistan

+92 345-2741320


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