
Dr. Sajjad Ali:

Dr. Sajjad Ali is located in Sialkot Cantt, Pakistan. Dr. Sajjad Ali is one of the top Neuro Physician in Pakistan, Assistant Professor of Neurology at Govt Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College Sialkot. He is very expert in diagnosing, treating & managing all the medical conditions associated with a nervous. If you have any questions or require more information regarding our products, please fill out the form below and our support team will get back to you before you know it!


Services Offered by Dr. Sajjad Ali:

Following are some services that are offered by Dr. Sajjad Ali.

  • Neurologists


Address of Dr. Sajjad Ali:

Following is the address of the Dr. Sajjad Ali.

  • Tariq Road, Opposite Grace Marquee, Sialkot Cantt, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Dr. Sajjad Ali:

Following are the contact numbers of Dr. Sajjad Ali.

  • +92 52-4262666
  • +92 312-7305859
Contact Email of Dr. Sajjad Ali:

Following is the contact email of Dr. Sajjad Ali.


Locate us

Contact us

Dr. Sajjad Ali

Tariq Road, Opposite Grace Marquee, Sialkot Cantt, Pakistan

+92 52-4262666
+92 312-7305859


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