
Dr. Shahab Ghani:

Our FUE hair transplant clinic in Karachi is located at PECHS (Allahwali Chowrangi). Dr. Shahab Ghani is the specialist doctor of Fue technique of hair restoration. If you looking for the best surgeon of hair transplant in Karachi at a cheap cost with permanent results without any side effects, pain, or stitches, then you come to the right place. Talk to us now! for best hair transplant prices.


Address of Dr. Shahab Ghani:

Following is the address of the Dr. Shahab Ghani.

1st Floor, 35-C, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Dr. Shahab Ghani:

Following are the contact numbers of the Dr. Shahab Ghani.

  • +92 21 34541317,+92 21-34541390
  • +92 313-3744247


Contact Email of Dr. Shahab Ghani:

Following is the contact email of the Dr. Shahab Ghani.

Locate us

Contact us

Dr. Shahab Ghani

1st Floor, 35-C, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi, Pakistan

+92 21 34541317,+92 21-34541390
Dr. Shahab Ghani
+92 313-3744247


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