
Dr. Usama Bin Saeed:

Dr. Usama Bin Saeed is located at People Colony, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Dr. Usama Bin Saeed is a specialist Orthopedic Surgeon and provides various services for Knee and Shoulder problems, innovations in Sports/Arthroscopic Surgery, Advanced ACL surgery & Joint Replacement. Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information about any of our services.


Services Offered by Dr. Usama Bin Saeed:

Following are some services that are offered by Dr. Usama Bin Saeed.

  • Orthopedics Surgeons


Address of Dr. Usama Bin Saeed:

Following is the address of Dr. Usama Bin Saeed.

  • 673-A, Lower Canal Road, Block A, People's Colony, Faisalabad, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Dr. Usama Bin Saeed:

Following are the contact numbers of Dr. Usama Bin Saeed.

  • +92 310-4407337
Contact Email of Dr. Usama Bin Saeed:

Following is the contact email of Dr. Usama Bin Saeed.


Locate us

Contact us

Dr. Usama Bin Saeed

673-A, Lower Canal Road, Block A, People's Colony, Faisalabad, Pakistan

+92 300-7617256


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