Esha Kidney Care is located in Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Dr. Zein El Amir is a Urologist practicing in Islamabad. Dr. Zein El Amir has the following degrees: MBBS, FCPS and has 23 years of experience. We are available to assist you with all your queries and inquiry. Our team is always ready on a priority basis to assist regarding all your needs.
Following are some services that are offered by Esha Kidney Care.
Following is the address of Esha Kidney Care.
Following are the contact numbers of Esha Kidney Care.
Following is the contact email of Esha Kidney Care.
B-1298, 4th-B Road, Opposite Kali Tanki, Block B, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
+92 51-4570501
+92 333-5410005