
Welcome To Fateh Textile Mills Limited

Fateh Textile Mills Limited joined as a private company in 1952, is the cornerstone of Fateh Group. Fateh Textile Mills Limited has an annual production of about 60 million meters of fabrics. Manufactured fabrics are specifically for export to the international market in the form of either peace goods, ready-made garments or bedwear.

Fateh Textile's corporate philosophy that drives the development of the organization is that employees are the real asset, customers are always right, decentralization and delegation of authority are key words for successful operation of an enterprise. 

Company mission and vision statement

Fateh will be the first choice of consumers in the international textile market and will create a globally famous brand for quality products with innovative design capabilities. Our mission to be a market leader in textile, especially bedwear items, meets the expectations of our customers by developing quality products using the latest / most advanced technology, international best practices and an integrated approach to manufacturing technology. Visit our office or call us for more information.

Locate us

Contact us

Fateh Textile Mills

Plot A/4 Hali Road S.I.T.E., Hyderabad.

+92 22-8334232


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