
Froebel’s Daycare:

Froebels Daycare is located at Islamabad, Pakistan. Step into Froebel’s Daycare and you will immediately be enveloped in a feeling of tranquility. This soothing ambience has purposefully been created through the use of music and comforting scents to provide our children with a space where they can learn to focus their energies on our 3 Cs - being compassionate, creative and confident.


Address of Froebel’s Daycare:

Following is the address of the Froebel’s Daycare.

167- B, PCSIR, Phase 2, Near Shaukat Khanum Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Froebel’s Daycare:

Following are the contact numbers of the Froebel’s Daycare.

+92 51-8433131, +92 51-8433132


Contact Email of Froebel’s Daycare:

Following is the contact email of the Froebel’s Daycare.

Locate us

Contact us

Froebel’s Daycare

House# 13, Street# 13, F-7/2, Islamabad, Pakistan

+92 51-8433131, +92 51-8433132


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