
HK Accessories:

HK Accessories is located at Market Quarter, Karachi, Pakistan. HK Accessories was launched as a brand in 2017. But the real start was in the 1980s. It is a third-generation family jewelry business founded by the grandfather of the current owner. The secret to the company's long-term success was that it was flexible enough to adapt to changes in fashion and take advantage of the latest business trends.


Products Offered by HK Accessories:

Following are some services that are offered by HK Accessories.

  • Jewelry


Address of HK Accessories:

Following is the address of HK Accessories.

  • Shop # 3, Sindbad Block, Fortress Stadium Circular Road, Lahore, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of HK Accessories:

Following are the contact numbers of HK Accessories.

  • +92 301-2067988
Contact email of HK Accessories:

Following is the contact email of HK Accessories.


Locate us

Contact us

HK Accessories

Laxmi Building, Bolton Market Market Quarter, Karachi, Pakistan

+92 301-2067988


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