The International Labour Organization (ILO) was created in 1919 as a means to promote social progress and overcome social and economic conflicts of interest through dialogue and cooperation.
Its unique tripartite structure brings together workers, employers and governments and gives them an opportunity to search for common rules, policies and behaviours from which all can benefit.
The ILO is a specialized technical agency of the United Nations system and the principal centre and authority in the international system on labour and social policy. It is devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity.
Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues. Its 187 member States seek to ensure that International Labour Standards are respected both in principle and practice, assisted by a secretariat (the International Labour Office) headquartered in Geneva. To date, the ILO has adopted 190 Conventions and Protocols that set out basic principles and rights at work.
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+92 51 2276456