Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon


Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon:

Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon is located at Sialkot Cantonment, Sialkot, Pakistan. Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon provide facial and makeup services, nail polishing services, manicure and pedicure and mehndi design service at affordable rates. If you are ;looking for best Beauty Saloon in this area, then contact us through email and phone number.


Products Offered by Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon:

Following are some services that are offered by Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon.

  • Facial and Makeup
  • Manicure and Pedicure
  • Nail Services


Address of Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon:

Following is the address of Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon.

  • NB Building, Mirza Abdul Rauf Road Near Cantt, Lane No 6, Sadar Bazar, Sialkot Cantonment, Sialkot, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon:

Following are the contact numbers of Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon.

  • +92 52-4265809
  • +92 321-8539809
Contact Email of Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon:

Following is the contact email of Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon.

  • b2c.com.pk@gmail.com

Contact us

Jugnu Wasim Ladies Salon

NB Building, Mirza Abdul Rauf Road Near Cantt, Lane No 6, Sadar Bazar, Sialkot Cantonment, Sialkot, Pakistan

+92 52-4265809
+92 321-8539809


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