Karachi Laboratory Diagnostic Center


Welcome To Karachi Laboratory Diagnostic Center

Karachi Laboratory Diagnostic Center has been serving patients in health facilities and institutions for over 45 years. The diagnostic center is an evolution of the Karachi Laboratory, which has been providing pathological laboratory services since its inception in 1970. Karachi Laboratory Diagnostic Center is the first of its kind in Pakistan and has been set up to cater to the growing need for these services. 

Karachi Laboratory Diagnostic Center contributes to the best care of patients by providing comprehensive, high quality laboratory testing and patient focused expert counseling. Our mission is to safely produce quality results that are accurate, timely and of the highest integrity. We aim for exceptional customer service, continuous quality improvement that is consistent with our client's expectations.


Facilities at KLDC have been constantly upgraded with the introduction of more advanced equipment. However, this new facility not only has the best equipment available for pathological examinations anywhere but also fully automated equipment for analysis of more important examinations to ensure maximum accuracy. Such computerized devices include random access multichannel chemistry analyzers, hematology blood cell counters and we include routine tests as well as specialized automated hormones and antibody immunosuppressants.

Our Goal

Our goal is to be the most trusted laboratory partner, providing state-of-the-art diagnostic solutions that empower patients and doctors with timely and accurate medical treatment and, most importantly, improve quality of life. Let us help you find a solution that meets your needs.

Locate us

Contact us

Karachi Laboratory Diagnostic Center

Delhi Mercantile Medical Complex Building, Siraj-ud-Duala Road, Off. Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Karachi.

+92 021-38895199


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