Khaadi Dolmen City in Karachi


Khadi is a Pakistani fashion and lifestyle brand founded in 1998. It operates more than 52 stores, In over 17 cities across Pakistan. 20 years ago, Founder and CEO, Shamoon Sultan opened the first Khadi store in Clifton HC-3, Marine Drive Block-4 , Karachi. The idea for a store like Khadi was conceived in the mind of this Pioneering, Pure patriot, Nostalgic about the old craft of the hand ­-woven material. Khadi was founded on a belief  that the clothes you choose should let you wear your individuality. Since its inception, it has been making it possible for women to dress in an inspiring, Vibrant and affordable way.

If you want to know more about our brand, Fabric and Cloths please feel free to contact us or visit Khadi Clifton HC-3, Marine Drive Block-4 , Karachi, Pakistan.

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Contact us

Khaadi Dolmen City in Karachi

Shop # D2, Clifton HC-3, Marine Drive Block-4 , Karachi, Pakistan.

+92 21 35294241


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