
Welcome To Lab One

Lab One was introduced in Lahore in 2003 by Prof. Dr. Javed Asif and Mr. Mumtaz Khan. Since then, Lab One has been providing patient care facilities to patients and referral centers across Pakistan by providing high quality, low cost and certified laboratory tests. Lab One is one of the state-of-the-art laboratories in Lahore and plays an important role in chronic healthcare work. At Lab One, we never compromise on quality. Quality control and assurance is an integral part of everyday work. And we run our tests on the best tools available. We guide our patients according to their needs. We strive to excel in all activities to safeguard our medical, financial and organizational strength.

We offer reliable testing and efficient delivery of quality healthcare reports. The purpose of Lab One is not to make money but to serve patients with their best resources and abilities. Our team members are unique, including hematology, cytopathology, clinical pathology, molecular biology and biotechnology. 


Our goal is to contribute to the best care of patients by providing comprehensive, high quality, accurate and affordable laboratory testing to clients, healthcare professionals and patients across the country. Our mission is supported by our state-of-the-art laboratory and our highly qualified medical staff with exceptional customer service. Feel free to contact us, our team is here for your support 24/7.

Locate us

Contact us

Lab One

5/64-A, Usman Block, New Garden Town, Lahore.

+92 423-5857564


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