
Mazen Schools:

Mazen Schools is located at Block A, NPF, O-9 - Islamabad, Pakistan. Mazen word is derived from The Holy Quran, meaning pure raindrops likewise our philosophy is to bring pure practices in the field of education to fertile the brains of the students. Our mission is to enable the students to become leaders by catering to their individual needs and equipping them with the latest technology-based learning, by directing their minds, bodies, and souls toward the pursuit of wisdom. For any query and information related to our School, contact us through email and phone number.


Address of Mazen Schools:

Following is the address of the Mazen Schools.

Block A, 288 B, Street 1, Main PWD Rd, NPF E 11/4 E-11, Islamabad, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Mazen Schools:

Following are the contact numbers of the Mazen Schools.

+92 331-6293601


Contact Email of Mazen Schools:

Following is the contact email of the Mazen Schools.

Locate us

Contact us

Mazen Schools

Block A, 288 B, Street 1, Main PWD Rd, NPF E 11/4 E-11, Islamabad, Pakistan

+92 331-6293601


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