
MG Works:

MG Works is located at Khudadad Colony, Karachi, Pakistan. We handle all kinds of 3D Mural, 3D Wallpaper, Wall Art, Wall Cladding, PVC Wall Panel, 3D Panel, WPC Panel, Leather Panel Texture Painting, Color Painting and Creative POP, Blinds, Wood, Shangrila,
Zebra, Roller do. Vertical blinds, interior design for restaurants, cafes, offices, luxury homes and cafeterias, innovative and modern glass and lightning glass decoration and lighting design, custom suspended ceilings and all kinds of ceiling work. And with 3D suspended ceilings, PVC suspended ceilings, hardwood floors, PVC, vinyl and hardwood floors, PVC folding doors, PVC and aluminum shutters, you get a taste of true luxury. Call us to know about further details or book an appointment online.


Address of MG Works:

Following is the address of the MG Works.

  • Plot# B 165/3, Main Shahrah-e-Qaideen, Central Jacob Lines, Block 1, Khudadad Colony, Karachi, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of MG Works:

Following are the contact numbers of the MG Works.

  • +92 345-3096164, +92 323-2790900

Contact Email of MG Works:

Following is the contact email of the MG Works.


Locate us

Contact us

MG Works

Plot# B 165/3, Main Shahrah-e-Qaideen, Central Jacob Lines, Block 1, Khudadad Colony, Karachi, Pakistan

+92 345-3096164, +92 323-2790900


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