Multan Postgraduate College


Multan Postgraduate College:

Multan Postgraduate College is located at Near the Education Board Gulgust colony Multan, Pakistan. This is the oldest college in Multan, established in 1992, first private postgraduate institute in Multan "Multan Postgraduate College Multan" affiliated with Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan(Bzu).it is a nonprofitable institute and provide highly qualification on very low. It offers postgraduate programs and computer short courses also diploma programs on psychology. For any query and information related to our College, contact us through email and phone number.


Address of Multan Postgraduate College:

Following is the address of the Multan Postgraduate College.

Near Education Board, Gulgust Colony Multan, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Multan Postgraduate College:

Following are the contact numbers of the Multan Postgraduate College.

  • +92 61-6520942
  • +92 336-7388442


Contact Email of Multan Postgraduate College:

Following is the contact email of the Multan Postgraduate College.

Locate us

Contact us

Multan Postgraduate College

Near Education Board, Gulgust Colony Multan, Pakistan

+92 61-6520942
+92 336-7388442


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