Nirvana Day Spa & Salon


Nirvana Day Spa & Salon:

Nirvana Day Spa & Salon is located at DHA, Lahore, Pakistan. Nirvana Day Spa & Salon we commit to provide each and every client an exceptional service, efficacy, and safety in a comfortable atmosphere. Our hair technician and skin therapists are well experienced and trained in the latest best-in-class technologies designed to achieve the most beneficial results. Our objective is to provide a customized treatment solution that properly restores beauty and youthfulness helping our clients to achieve the best look and appearance while feeling refreshed and more vibrant.


Services Offered by Nirvana Day Spa & Salon:

Following are some services that are offered by Nirvana Day Spa & Salon.

  • Massage Center


Address of Nirvana Day Spa & Salon:

Following is the address of Nirvana Day Spa & Salon.

  • Building No 254, Sector G, Phase 5, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of Nirvana Day Spa & Salon:

Following are the contact numbers of Nirvana Day Spa & Salon.

  • +92 305-1211113
Contact Email of Nirvana Day Spa & Salonr:

Following is the contact email of Nirvana Day Spa & Salon.

  • marketing@nirvana.com.pk

Locate us

Contact us

Nirvana Day Spa & Salon

Building No 254, Sector G, Phase 5, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan

+92 42-37177951
+92 303-5170841


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