
Welcome To Prime Health

Prime Health Lab is based in Islamabad, the first laboratory in Pakistan to offer special contract services to consumers. We are responsible for society. We will become good citizens and adhere to high moral standards in our conduct. We will discover, develop, and successfully analyze pharmaceutical products for our valued customers to prevent, eliminate, and treat diseases.


We specialize in quality control testing, method development, validation, comparative analysis and stability storage facility and state-of-the-art GMP compliant facility for pharmaceutical raw materials and finished products. Prime Health is providing independent, contracted analytics services to the global pharmaceutical and related industries.We will provide highly customer satisfaction and take the lead in analyzing the quality of products and services across the country through excellent performance.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become a leading pharmaceutical quality control laboratory in Pakistan and to transform this world into a healthy planet by providing high quality, low cost, safe and innovative solutions in quality monitoring and analysis of medicines to become an international player. Feel free to contact us.

Locate us

Contact us

Prime Health

Royal Plaza, 1st Floor, 30-East, Fazal-E-Haq Road, Blue Area Islamabad.



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