Rumi Yoga is located at Phase 5, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan. Ibreez Rumi is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and author known for his accessibility, humor, and ability to empower students. If you are searching for the best Daycare in Lahore, you have come to the right place. Contact Rumi Yoga!
Following is the address of the Rumi Yoga.
2nd Floor, 41 Central Commercial Area, CCA, Sector C, Phase 5, DHA, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Following are the contact numbers of the Rumi Yoga.
+92 300-8885444
Following is the contact email of the Rumi Yoga.
2nd Floor, 41 Central Commercial Area, CCA, Sector C, Phase 5, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan
+92 300-8885444