Sparco Paints emerged nearly two decades ago under the leadership of Malik Muhammad Javaid Iqbal, founding Sika Paint Industries (Pvt) Limited. Originating as a sole proprietorship in 1988, it transitioned to a private limited company in 2004, marking a pivotal moment in its evolution. Since then, Sika embarked on an upward trajectory, seizing a multitude of opportunities, propelling the company toward success and prosperity.
The transformation from a modest venture to a dynamic enterprise mirrors Sika's unwavering dedication within the paint industry. Despite challenges, the company relentlessly pursued milestones, garnering nationwide recognition. Catering to industry demands, Sika's diverse array of high-quality products cultivated a devoted customer base and significant market presence. Upholding an unwavering commitment to product quality fueled its ascent, not just locally but also attracting attention from international experts, cementing Sika's position as a sought-after brand in global markets.
Main Ferozepur Road, Kahna Nau, Lahore.
+92 42-35403046