SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm


SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm:

SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm is located at Near Shahreh-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan. We are Chartered Accountants with over 10 years of extensive and professional freelance experience in many private clients and public corporations. We have worked with thousands of international customers and our skills and experience are an added advantage. SSAB's primary goal is to meet the needs of our customers, who provide our knowledge and skills for overall success. If you have any service, please feel free to contact us.


Services Offered by SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm:

Following are some services that are offered by SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm.

  • Charted Accountant
  • Bookkeeping
  • Tax Consultant
  • Accounting Services


Address of SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm:

Following is the address of SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm.

  • Plot# 51-U Ahmed Mension PECHS Block 6, Near Shahreh-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan


Contact Numbers of SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm:

Following are the contact numbers of SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm.

  • +92 315-3540100
Contact Email of SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm:

Following is the contact email of SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm.


Locate us

Contact us

SSAB Chartered Accountant Firm

Plot# 51-U Ahmed Mension PECHS Block 6, Near Shahreh-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan

+92 315-3540100


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