Iffat Anwar Medical Complex
16 - Awaisia Society, Township, Lahore, Pakistan
Iffat Anwar Medical Complex is located at 16 - Awaisia Society, Township, Lahore, Pakistan. At Iffat Anwar Medical Complex laser acupuncture treatments are also successfully done. Laser Acupuncture is also another way of acupuncture, it is a needle-free procedure usually used to treat people with long-lasting diseases and disorders. It helps reduce and control weight, cholesterol, and insulin levels. Low-level lasers also called cold lasers which are red, blue, and green in color, as they do not burn or damage the skin. In Iffat Anwar Medical Complex, highly professional acupuncturists are there to help and guide you. We recommend you to visit us for consultation that can analyze your physical health conditions and also guide you to go with which type of acupuncture therapy or you need other treatment. If you are searching for Acupuncturists in Lahore and looking for the best service provider then contact us today! we will provide you best services.