Are you looking for company registration services in karachi? presents contact information, addresses & names of the best company offering SECP registration and individuals business registration . Discover nearby registration companies with extensive business listings directory and send an email inquiry or make a call to the best one.
In karachi you need to initiate a rock solid idea to stand out from other competitive corporate sector and brands in the country. For this purpose you need the service of any company that advises you in best way so that you avoid the mistakes when planning to start a business in karachi. There are various organization in karachi that provide best consultancy services so that you make right choice while investing if you want to start your own new business in karachi. These organizations also help you to get a NTN for your new business in the country with other services such as employee management payroll processing, cash flow management and other services that you needed you can ask about it from the registration service company.
Below we described some types of companies that can be registered in karachi to start their businesses.
Choosing a business’s type is important facet for your business formation in karachi. If you are not sure which form of business structure will best work for your business idea you can consult Registration Company for consultancy services as well. According to the karachi guideline of companies ordinance 1984 there are 3 different types that are a company limited by guarantee, an unlimited liability company and a company limited by share there are many law firms in karachi that offer services of registration of sole proprietorship businesses, for partnership firm, for private and public limited companies , for single member company in all cities of karachi. There are certain documents that are needed for your registration in karachi.
For registration of form first partner need to a sign an agreement between all partnership on judical stamp that must be on Rs 1k agreement must consist of name of partner and name of partnership firm, the address and all rights and duties that are assigned to each partner and this document must be attested by 2 witnesses minimum as described in law. Document needed are
Below we describe some step to step guide to get your registration done for company you want to register in karachi
Approval of company name- this is the first step if you want to register your company in karachi select the appropriate company name. You must think about a unique and creative name for your company so that it set you apart from rest of the company with same business idea. When selecting the name you must keep the guideline and restriction in mind like you are not allowed to used prohibited words for your company name in karachi
Submission of Documents- It is 2 step for registrations of your company when the company name is approved next you need to submit the document to security and exchange commission of karachi SECP.
Certification of incorporation- it is step 3 for registration of company in karachi. When you submit the document they are evaluated by SECP. They check the validity and digital signature is needed by the national institutional facilitation technologies that can be acquired via the SECP. They will also provide the certificate of incorporation. A presentation may be required it will only depend on where the businesses begins.
Deposit of shares- This is step 4, once the registration is completed shareholder need to deposit the corresponding amount of share in the company bank account
Registration of sales professional and income taxes- It is last stage of registration in which you need to register with federal board of revenue and issuance of national tax number. If applicable the sales registration number will also be registered.
Branch Office- it is best alternative for the company registration if you want your presence in karachi without starting up as separate legal entity. Branch offices cannot take part in trading and commercial activities. The process time of registration is 7 weeks and it will last from one to five years after the approval from the board of investment.
Liaison office- If you want to sell your products without registration of company you can set a 100 foreign owned liaison office in karachi. Liaison offices cannot take part in any trading and commercial activities and there is minimum requirement for capital. They will perform the function according to their contract. The process time of registration time for liaison office is 7 weeks and if you got the permit it will last from one to five years after the approval from the board of investment.
There are various organization in karachi that provide best consultancy services so that you make right choice while investing if you want to start your own new business in karachi. These organizations also help you to get a NTN for your new business in the country with other services such as employee management, payroll processing, cash flow management and other services as well. In this article we describe the types of registration for companies that want to register, what types of document are needed for registration a company in karachi, step for registering a company in karachi and alternative of registering a company. If you are planning to hire services of Registration Company in karachi then you have come to right place. We have updated the best registration company for you. Just send message to multiple registration company and get different quotes.