Are you looking for hair fall treatment in faisalabad? presents contact information, addresses & names of best clinics for hair loss treatment & solutions. Discover nearby clinic for the best hair loss solution around you with extensive business listings directory and send email inquiry or make call to the best one.
Hair loss cans affect whole human body or just scalp. Hair loss can be permanent or temporary. Hair loss is a result of aging, hereditary, medical treatment and hormonal changes in human body. Every human can lose their hair but mostly it is common in men. Baldness is caused to excessive loss of hair from the scalp. The major cause of baldness is considered as age with hereditary. Some people leave their hair loss untreated but some people cover their hair loss through different hair styles, scarfs, hats and makeup. Some people also go toward the treatment of hair loss so that they can save themselves for further hair loss and also to restore their hair growth again. Before moving towards the treatment of hair loss always consults your doctor to know about the cause and treatments available for your hair loss. Hair loss occurred in adults and even in children sometime typically a person losses 50 to 100 hair loss in one day when you have 100000 hairs on your head this small amount of loss is not noticeable as most of time old hair are replaced by new one but in some case it doesn’t happen and can cause baldness.
The main symptoms of hair loss are that more hair loss than usual but identifying the symptoms of hair loss are quite difficult but below are some of the symptoms that may provide clue for hair loss:
There are different types of treatment for every type of hair loss. Some treatment will help you to slow down your hair loss or reverse your hair loss journey. There are some treatments for patchy hair loss in which your hair grown within a year. There are different treatments for hair loss like surgery or medicines.
If you have any disease and take medicine for that disease and that medincine is necessary for you but it is causing severe hair loss issue you must consult your doctor he/she may suggest you to use any other medicine. Medications are used in hereditary baldness among which most common are:
Minoxidil: it is nonprescription and come in liquid foam or in shampoos. Women can apply this product on scalp once in day and men twice in a day people usually apply this product on when hair is wet. Product that’s have minoxidil help people to regrow their hair or reduced the rate of hair loss. Approximately it will take around 6 months to reduce hair fall and regrowth of new hair. To see whether the treatment is working on you scalp it will take few more months. If these products are working for you your doctor may recommend you to use it forever to retain its maximum benefits.
Side effect: you may face irritating on scalp and you may face hair growth on adjacent area like on your face or hands
Finasteride: it is prescribed drug used by men. It is used daily by men as a spill. It has been seen that men taking finasteride see slowing in hair loss and some men show regrowth of new hair but you need few month to see the end result whether this pill is working for you or not. This medicine may not work for men who are more than 60 years. If the medicine is working for you can use it for longer time period to get benefit
Rare side effects: it may reduce sex drive or sexual function and may cause prostate cancer women who are pregnant must stay away from these crushed pill and even avoid touching them
There are other oral medications that are spironolactone and oral dutasteride
In most cases when there is permanent hair loss from the top part of the head hair transplant surgery can help you with your hair through the hair left on your scalp. During the surgery dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon remove hair from scalp and transplant them on your bald scalp. You don’t need a proper hospital for the treatment but it has been seen that treatment is painful sometime to reduce discomfort sedation medicines are used. You may need more than one surgery to attain your desired results
Risk: swelling, bruising, bleeding and infection
Laser Therapy: low level laser device is used as treatment of hereditary hair loss in men and women it is approved by food and drug administration studies show that it help you to increase hair density.
Home remedies- you can use different home remedies to feel better about your appearance. Like you can color your hair, used styling products to add volume in your hair or you can choose a hair style that makes your widening part less visible you can also use different extension and wigs as a solution of permanent hair loss or temporary for other option you can consult your hair stylists.
The person who is best fit for hair loss treatment is:
Medication works with passage of time as you keep on using them. If you are going for surgery most people return to their work after 2 to 5 days. After 2 to 3 week of your transplant surgery the hair that is transplanted in bald area will fall out but in few months you will see that your hair will start growing. People see 60% of hair growth with 6 to 9 months