Are you searching for labiaplasty doctors in lahore? presents contact numbers, addresses, maps and names of clinics offering labia reduction surgery. Discover the best doctor around you with extensive business listings directory and send an email inquiry or make a call to the best one.
As women get older they go through certain changes in their body during every stage of their lives including the vaginal areas. Many women feel uncomfortable or embarrassed with the changes in their appearance and in their body. Changes in your vaginal area may be occurring due to multiple reasons that are weight fluctuation, natural aging, child birth and pregnancy. Women that are not happy with such changes go for vaginal rejuvenation. It is surgical procedure that is used to reshape the inner lips of the vulva. The procedure is performed by double board certified plastic surgeon under local anesthesia. The treatment will improve your health and cosmetic concern regarding your vaginal area. By resizing and reshaping your vaginal lips. Your discomfort will be reducing after wearing tight clothes during exercise or intercourse. The surgery revitalizes the vagina and creates a youthful look that matches your overall appearance of your body. It will make your hygiene easier and reduce the risk of urinary infection.
As it outpatient procedure you can go back on your home the same day after surgery. The time required for the treatment will depend on treatment plan. Your surgeon will discuss the available option in consultation phase. There are two procedure one is labia majora reduction that is used to reduce the shape and size of your outer lips of vagina and other labia minora reduction that help in reducing the shape and size of inner lips. For these reductions they use either the wedge technique or the trim technique. In wedge technique they a cut out a v shape wedge from the labia from the widest point and then stitched it together. In trim technique they remove excess skin present at outer edge of labia. If you need to enlarge you labia majora than your surgeon will take a small part of fat from your body part like thighs or abdomen and then inject it into you labia mojora. If you inject hyaluronic acid into labia majora it is also an alternative option for you.
To help you to recover soon and to manage pain after the treatment your surgeon will recommend you some medications. He will guide you about the post-surgical instruction for incision care. Recovery process may vary from person to person but usually women return to their normal routine in 1 to 2 weeks but you need to avoid sexual inter course for 6 weeks at least. People feel comfortable when there is minimal scarring, less risk of infection and no sign of surgery after few weeks or months. Usually there is swelling and pain after procedure that will last only for few days and it will be handled with medications.
The cost of labiaplasty depends on surgical facilities, anesthesia, special garments, the area you live, the procedure you choose and the experience of your surgeon. Surgeries conducted in big cities charge more than small cities. If someone want to know about the exact cost of the treatment they can contact on the above available number and websites.
In the first meeting the surgeon will discuss about the reason that why you need to go for labiaplasty. You need to discuss your expectation from the treatment and risk associated with the treatment. You may go through psychological test before going for surgery. Later on he will brief you about the detail procedure of your surgery including the expected changes in shape of labia and also about the size of labia. Before the procedure they may do some pre-surgical test like urinary, chest x-ray or blood test. They will guide you about what to wear for procedure, when you need to stop eating and drinking and other things you need to prepare for surgery
You need to wear the surgical gown. The health care provider will take your pulse, oxygen, breathing rate and blood pressure they will place intravenous line in your hand or arms they will cleanse the labia and will shave the area if needed. They will give you anesthesia. And the type of anesthesia will be discussed in consultation phase later they will do surgical techniques that are needed.
The health care service providers will take out your urinary catheter and soon anesthesia will wear off and you will become alert. Your surgeon will check the bleeding before the discharge they will guide you about the instruction to take care of wound and will provide you detail about follow up appointments.
You need to call your surgeon if you experience these situations that are
It is surgical procedure that is used to reshape the inner lips of the vulva. The treatment will improve your health and cosmetic concern regarding your vaginal area by resizing and reshaping your vaginal lips. It is outpatient procedure you can go back on your home the same day after surgery. In this article we have discussed about the before and after labiaplasty surgery procedure, the cost of labiaplasty treatment in lahore, the risk and recovery time of the treatment. For your ease and your convenience we have listed multiple registered clinics and hospital in every city of lahore that offer labiaplasty in multiple price ranges. There are many clinics in lahore you can contact them by simply leaving a message on their website or contact them by email if you have any query.