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If you belong to a country where English is not a native language and want to study in a country where English is there national language so you must listened the term TOEFL. It is standardized test to measure the mastery of test taker in English language. Many universities ask for TOEFL test from international students at time of application process. As usually TOEFL is given by the students who want to apply for graduate programs abroad but it is not compulsory anyone who wants to show mastery of English language for academic purpose go for TOEFL test. You need TOEFL test if you are applying for student visa or going for an exchange program. TOEFL measures the English that is used in academic setting that is the reason many universities ask for it during application process. In TOEFL test they usually use high level vocabulary and formal academic language.
It is recommended by the test maker that TOEFL is recommended for students that are minimum in 11 grade or at least 17 years old. The reason is that the test is made up of difficult passage by using high level vocabulary words that students are not familiar with till they are in grade 11.TOEFL is not compulsory for every international student it is compulsory for those country where English is not a primary language. Some universities also don’t need TOEFL if have performed well in English reading and writing section in SAT test. Academic English is difficult and formal even if you have studied for many years still you face difficulty. TOEFL is accepted in 130 countries and in 9000 universities including countries like UK, US, Australia, Canada and new Zealand.
Each university has the set criteria of acceptance of TOEFL score but usually for an unconditional acceptance you need minimum 70 for US. Higher standard academic institutions requirement of score is high. You just need to fulfill the minimum requirement of institution if the minimum requirement of test is 90 and you score 92 you don’t need to take the test again. You meet the criteria of university. Don’t feel nervous when you are taking TOEFL test it is tool that will be helpful for you rather than considering it as an obstacle. It is recommended to take TOEFL test prior your application process because if you didn’t score well for the first time you can appear again before the application deadline.
It is complicated long test below we describe some types of TOEFL test and the structure of test. 70 percent of TOEFL test taken are internet based only 3 percent of TOEFL test are paper based. You can take both tests as many times you want most universities accept internet based TOEFL but make sure to check your desired universities before appearing in test. The only rule of taking TOEFL is that you cannot take it within 12 days.
There are four sections in TOEFL test and you need 4.5 hours to complete the test. There is listening, reading, writing and speaking section in the test. Each section has 30 marks and these all section add up and make total of 120 marks.
Reading- there are multi choice questions in this section. There are usually 3 to 4 written passages and each passage has 12 to 14 questions. These passage can include any academic topic like geography, literature or history.
Listening- there are also multiple choice question in this sections. In each listening section there are four to six lectures with six questions or either two to 3 lecture with 5 question each.
Speaking- follows the pattern you are following so that you prepare yourself for this section easily. They can ask you about your thoughts and interest on certain topic. Or they may ask you to choose between two options that are provided. There are other integrated tasks in this section.
Writing- it include independent and integrated tasks. In integrated section you both will listen to the passage and lecture and then you need to summarize it. In independent section you will be ask to choose between two option and in end you need to tell why you choose that option with examples.
As previously we have discussed why you need to take TOEFL test, the requirement and test structure now below we will describe some useful tips for you.
TOEFL is standardized test that is used to measure the performance of test taker in English. In multan usually TOEFL is taken by students that want to visit in countries where native language is English for further studies. There are four sections of TOEFL that are: Reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will be given 4.5 hours to complete the test. In this article we have discussed about test structure, requirement of test and we have also discussed some tips so that you can prepare effectively for TOEFL test. If you want to prepare yourself for TOEFL test you can simply contact from the above mentioned details or visit their website to know about further information.