Are you searching for vaginoplasty doctors in islamabad? presents contact numbers, addresses, maps and names of clinics offering vaginal rejuvenation & tightening surgery. Discover the best doctor around you with extensive business listings directory and send an email inquiry or make a call to the best one.
Vaginoplasty treatment is used to repair or construct your vagina area. It help in treating medical issues like vaginal injury due to any disease complication or child birth. The treatment is also used to create a transgender vagina that help them to attain a preferred gender identity. The detail of your treatment will depend on the medical needs and recreation of vagina through various surgical techniques. Below we describe the people who need vaginoplasty
Is vaginoplasty the same as vaginal rejuvenation?
Vaginoplasty is the treatment that is used to improve the performance and appearance of vagina. Vaginal rejuvenation procedure involve labiaplasty it is used to decrease or vent out your labia. Vulvoplasty is used to reshape the outer part of your vagina.
The cost of vaginoplasty in islamabad depends on surgical facilities, anesthesia, special garments, the area you live, the procedure you choose and the experience of your surgeon. Surgeries conducted in big cities charge more than small cities the charges of vaginoplasty in islamabad is around 70000 rupees to 120000 rupees in islamabad.
Before going for the treatment your surgeon and health care service provide will access and do testing to acess whether you are good fit candidate for the surgery. The test included in the procedure will access your health and will ask you about medical history. The surgeon will educate you about the benefits risks and post-surgical care requirement. You need to quit smoking to lower your risk of complication. Women transgender go for gender affirmation they need to meet the requirement set by World association of transgender.
When vaginoplasty is done after the child birth it includes following procedure that are
The risk associated with vaginoplasty after child birth includes pain intercourse and loss of sensation or numbness. The nerve injury and you may face poor result for cosmetic surgery. The major benefit includes the improve self-esteem and sexual satisfaction. It help you to improve your quality of life and mental health.
The recovery vary from women to women depending on the procedure. Usually it takes between few week to months relying on the extent of surgery. The surgeon will recommend you about post-surgical care after the surgery.
There are 3 main reason that lead to vaginoplasty
Vaginal rejuvenation-people describe this treatment as vagina tightening procedure and perform it for cosmetic reason because they want their labia and vagina look young through this procedure.
Restoration- Disease like cancer and other medical condition effect on the appearance and functioning of your vagina in that case you need to conduct a vaginoplasty surgery.
Sex reassignment surgery- many transgender seek this surgery for gender correction. The patients go for hormonal therapy one year before the surgery to live in desired gender role.
Vaginoplasty procedure increases your self-esteem and represent about the way you really are.
Before the surgery day you need to avoid smoking and use of alcohol. You need to do it to save your post operation complication you need to avoid medicine like aspirin that lead to blood thinning. They may ask you to prepare for bowel preparation before the surgery.
There is not one procedure for the surgery as there is not one type of vaginoplasty surgery like in vaginal rejuvenation the tightening is done by tightened the tissues with string suture under the skin and lastly the mucosal skin is stitched. In sex reassignment surgery the surgeon will remove peins and use it skin to construct the inner walls of vagina after the hormnal therapy. There is no specific time in which the procedure is completed in fact it depends upon the procedure and individual need. The success rate of operation and satisfaction from result solely depend upon the surgeon thus choose the right clinic and surgeon by doing a keen research.
Vaginoplasty treatment is used to repair or construct your vagina area. It help in treating medical issues like vaginal injury due to any disease complication or child birth. In this article we discussed about the reason that why you need vaginoplasty, procedure of vagionplasty, cost of vaginoplasty treatment in islamabad, risk and benefits associated with vaginoplasty. For your ease and your convenience we have listed multiple registered clinics and hospital in every city of islamabad that offer Vaginoplasty in multiple price ranges. There are many clinics in islamabad you can contact them by simply leaving a message on their website or contact them by email if you have any query.