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20 Peelu Miswak for Teeth by Online


Rs. 800


Peelu Miswak, hailing from the Peelu tree, is a remarkable natural dental tool. With eco-friendly bristles that fray over time, it offers a sustainable alternative to traditional toothbrushes. Rich in minerals and natural fibers, it helps combat plaque and refreshes your breath without harmful chemicals. Embrace this centuries-old oral hygiene tradition for a cleaner smile and a greener planet.

Welcome to Miswak:

The Miswak is a natural teeth cleaning twig. It is traditional and natural alternative to the modern toothbrush. The Miswak has various names in different parts of this planet. It is popular as miswak, sewak, or arak in the middle east ; miswak in Tanzania; datan and miswak in India and Pakistan Miswak, an oral hygiene accessory is reputed to have been used over 7000 years ago when neither nylon nor toothpaste was discovered. The Salvadora persica tree known as Arak is the source of the Miswak Sticks. The Miswak sticks were the primary source of dental care before the modern toothbrush and toothpaste industry had come into existence. The innumberable people had been maintaining their oral health by using these toothbrush reminiscent twigs  for thousands of years. Some 7000 years ago, the Babylonians used the Miswak Sticks (chewing sticks). Later on, these Miswak sticks were used throughout the Greek and Roman empires and have been used by Jews, Egyptians, and in the Islamic empires. These are believed to be used in Europe until about 300 years ago. Miswak is being used even today in Africa, South America, Asia, the Middle East including Saudi Arabia, and throughout the Islamic countries The use of the Sewaks has deep roots in many cultures. The Arak (Salvadora persica) tree is the most common source of Miswak sticks in the In the Middle East While the people in the West Arfrica are getting the Siwaks from the lime tree (citrus aurantafolia) and the orange tree (Citrus sinesis). The roots of Senna (Cassia vinnea) were used by the Black Americals While the African laburnum (Cassia sieberianba) were used in Sierra Leone. In the Indian Subcontinent, Neem (Azadirachta indica) is widely used to clean the teeth. In Islam, Miswak Stick has great importance. This tree Salvadora persica is traditionally used to create a chew stick called miswak, as frequently advocated for inthe hadith (written traditions relating to the life of Muhammad).

Contact: Miswak

20 Peelu Miswak for Teeth by Online