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Find the list of Embassies in Pakistan

Are you looking for embassies in Pakistan? b2c.com.pk presents contact information, addresses & names of embassies operating in Pakistan. Discover the best one around you with b2c.com.pk extensive business listings directory and send an email inquiry or make call to the best one.

Street 6, Diplomatic Enclave, G-5/4 Islamabad

The embassy of Swiss in Islamabad is located in Islamabad, Pakistan. and can be contacted by telephone no as well as by emails the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between the two countries. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic, financial, and legal affairs, as well as science, education, and culture. Contact the responsible Swiss representation for identity papers, civil status, registration and deregistration, matters of civil status, etc Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer.

Street # 6, Ramna-5, Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad.

The embassy of Thai in Islamabad is located in Islamabad, Pakistan. Consular working hours are Monday - Friday - 09.00 a.m. - 15.00 p.m. Embassy may be closed during public holidays of Pakistan and Thailand. The embassy of Thai in Islamabad may provide services that are visa and passport processing as well as document legalization. Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer Get in touch with us through our email and phone number.

218-221 Street 21, E-7, Islamabad

The embassy of Tunisian in Islamabad is located in Islamabad, Pakistan. The embassy is open from Monday to Friday. The Embassy working hours are 8: 30 - 5: 30. The embassy of Tunisian in Islamabad may provide services like visa and passport processing as well as document legalization. Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer. The embassy may be closed during public holidays in Tunisian and Pakistan. Contact us through email or phone.

Street 1, Diplomatic Enclave, G-5, 44000 Islamabad

Turkish Embassy is located in Islamabad, Pakistan. Turkish Embassy will be opened from Monday to Friday. Our Consular Section Reception Hours: 09:30 am - 12:30 pm. The embassy may be closed during public holidays in Turkey and Pakistan. Turkish Embassy is providing services like issuance of visas, registration, passport fee, and counselor fee. If you want to visit the embassy please call before the visit.

No.1, Parveen Shakir Road, F-7/2, F-7 Islamabad.

The embassy of Turkmen in Islamabad is located at Islamabad, Pakistan and can be contacted by telephone no as well as by email. The embassy of Turkmen in Islamabad may provide a range of consular services such as visa and passport processing as well as document legalization. Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer.

F-8/1, F-8, Islamabad.

The embassy of Vietnamese in Islamabad is located in Islamabad, Pakistan, and can be contacted by telephone no as well as by email. The embassy of Vietnamese in Islamabad may provide a range of consular services such as visa and passport processing as well as document legalization. Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer.

House # 7, Street # 58, F-7/4, F-7, Islamabad.

South African South African High Commission is located in Islamabad, Pakistan, High Commissions, and Consulates General. Consular services, in short, refers to the assistance we render to distressed/ destitute SA citizens and/or families of persons distressed/destitute abroad; support to bereaved families including administrative assistance (non-financial) with the return of mortal remains/ashes of deceased persons; assistance to families of prisoners (within the framework of Government policy); assist with transferring small amounts of money (within the framework of Financial Regulations) to detained persons abroad; as well as the provision of Legalisation services to members of the public.

House No. 62, Ataturk Avenue, Sector G 6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan

The Sri Lankan High Commission is located in Islamabad, Pakistan, and can be contacted by telephone no as well as by email. The high commission of Sri Lanka in Islamabad may provide a range of consular services such as visa and passport processing as well as document legalization. Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer.  Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer.

38-A, Happy Homes, Main Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan.

Hairage is located at Gulberg, Lahore. Dr. Zahid Iqbal is the CEO and founder of HairAge. Hairage is providing hair transplant procedures using FUE and FUT techniques. You can contact us for beard, eyebrowa and head transplant surgery. Call us to send us email for more info.

Constitution Ave and Ispahani Road, Diplomatic Enclave No. 1, Sector G-5/4 Islamabad

Australian High Commission is located in Islamabad, Pakistan. The High Commission is open from 08.00 am to 4.45 pm Monday to Thursday, 08.00 am to 12.30 pm Friday. The High Commission may be closed during the public holidays of Australia and Pakistan. Contact Us through email or phone we will quickly respond to you.

All you want to know about embassies in Pakistan

An embassy is residence of government official in some other country than their home country. In that foreign country they represent their home countries. Some of large government like US, UK, Canada and other European Union countries has their embassies all around the world. They basically provide the assistance to the members of their home country abroad. Embassies on basis of shared interest work with local government and other renowned organizations. There are two terms that are used interchangeably embassies and consulates are not same thing. Embassies are located in foreign countries and diplomats are associated with it. They help the citizens to communicate people with their home country that want to travel to the country for which the specific embassy is for. Consulates are the branch office of embassy. There can be many consulates in other countries but usually the embassies are located in the capital of each country while consulates can exist in major cities of the country. Through this way they can help people that want to travel in different parts of the country.

Purpose of embassies

The main purpose of embassy is to assist citizen of its home country that are living or working or travelling overseas. They are located in capital cities of countries and offer different services to the resident that are living abroad some of the purpose are given below

  • If anyone lost or stole the passport they issue the emergency passport.
  • They rescue and replace your passport.
  • They also issue the birth reports of the children that are born abroad.
  • They also issue death certificates of the resident that are passed away abroad.
  • They accept the ballot of election of the resident home country.
  • They help in filing the taxes of their home country.
  • They navigate about legal foreign policies and medical system.
  • They provide assistance to the people that are detained or arrested abroad.
  • They also provide authorization of document that are needed abroad or in the home country.
  • They also assistant their people at time of emergency evacuation.
  • It helps people of foreign country to reside and become the citizen of embassy home country.

Reach home in time of crisis- embassy help the people of their country in foreign country in case of crisis situation like when there is civil unrest or natural disaster in the country. The embassy will not pay for your flight but they can help you to get funds from family member or brank transfers.

Short term protection- the embassies provide short term refuge service depending upon the situation. They contact department of home land security on your behalf and see that the action that provided against you are physical threat.

Deal at time of arrest- in some cases your home embassy cannot help if you are arrested in foreign country but if you were get arrested you can still tell embassy they can provide them information of English speaking attorney to coordinate with local polices. The embassy contact you within 24 hours to tell you that you are detained. In some cases the embassy informs your friends and family that you are arrested and then let them know how they can help you in this regard.

Lost Passport- If you passport is lost or stolen the embassy can help you in the regard you can apply for the new one if you are not travelling immediately you can employ of emergency passport if you need to travel in emergency.

Married overseas- if you got married in foreign country you need to see what services embassy can provide you. The embassy guides you with useful information to get married in foreign country.  There are different marriage criteria for each embassy

How you can get knowledge about your Country’s Embassy?

Before going to any foreign country look for your country embassy in that country most of the phone number and email addresses are provided on the website you can contact them if you faced any emergency. They provide detail information what the embassy can do for you in which area they can’t help you but can provide guidance like embassies don’t provide visa but they provide you with government website link for visas and immigration process.

When you are in foreign country keep embassy in mind if any unfavorable event occur while traveling, working and living. If you know home country embassy they can benefit and solve the matter when you are not in your home country peace of mind will make your experience better.

Embassies in Pakistan

There are total 68 consulates and 59 foreign embassies in Pakistan. The Pakistan embassy page will provide you with list of foreign embassies and consulates in Pakistan from all around the world. Pakistan itself has 60 consulates and 67 embassies all around the world. You will get the details of foreign embassies and consulates in Pakistan on Pakistan embassy worldwide page.


An embassy is residence of government official in some other country than their home country. In that foreign country they represent their home countries. The main purpose of embassy is to assist citizen of its home country that are living or working or travelling overseas. They are located in capital cities of countries and offer different services to the residents that are living abroad. In this article we have discussed the purpose of embassies, how you get knowledge about your country embassies and embassies in Pakistan if you want to visit embassies we update the list of embassies in Pakistan you can visit them in case of information and query.
